Reading might be the answer!

Often people who achieve great success in life display a dizzying array of traits that most of us do not innately have. Focus, drive, ingenuity, discipline and an uncanny intuition about the “next big thing”. However, most of those traits are the result of developing personal habits that enable those traits to develop and grow. [...]

2017-10-10T21:20:55+01:00October 10th, 2017|

Job or Career – Creatives (Part – 2)

Anybody who has ever expressed an interest in becoming an “artist” has probably dealt with a slew of well-meaning people trying to dash their hopes and kill their dreams; quietly. By artist I mean any of the many creative fields such as writing, dancing, acting, music, sculpting. Not all careers have marked paths. Creative careers [...]

2017-09-04T18:02:49+01:00September 4th, 2017|

Do you have a Desmond or a Geoff?

The propaganda is that graduating from university is the first step to making the world your own; the world is your oyster. However, this idea can become stressful when you graduate with a “Desmond,” otherwise known as a 2:2. With big companies and popular postgraduate courses requiring a 2:1 and above, it's not surprising that [...]

2017-08-14T15:35:52+01:00August 5th, 2017|

Time to adult up

In recent years a new verb has become part of our popular lexicon. Adult. As in, how to adult. As millennials graduate and move away from the world of academia, it is becoming increasingly difficult to gauge whether we are busy making progress or just busy. In previous generations the goalposts by which adults judged [...]

2017-11-30T17:15:07+00:00August 5th, 2017|

The dilemma, post-graduate vs graduate jobs

Deciding what to do after you have handed in your final assignment is never easy. Choosing between one or another graduate scheme, comparing the pros and cons, is difficult at the best of times. However, this can be more challenging when having to also choose between graduate schemes and further education. I was fortunate to [...]

2017-06-29T01:16:33+01:00June 29th, 2017|

Life long learning

One of the key characteristics of people who master a craft, who are frequently promoted and/or have longevity in their careers is their commitment to learning. Most graduates leave the university environment hoping to put the books and classrooms behind them; expressing their unwillingness to ever return to studying if they can avoid it. As [...]

2017-06-29T01:16:59+01:00June 29th, 2017|

Learning disability or difficulty, the reality – Part (3)

If you missed Parts 1 and 2 of our series you can read them here: Part 1 Part 2 How would you cope if bright lights and loud noises were unbearable to you? What if sitting in a workspace type cubicle is near-enough impossible? How would you explain to your line manager that every written [...]

2017-06-29T01:11:34+01:00June 29th, 2017|


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