Handling unexpected unemployment

Graduation, company downscale, seeking out new opportunities. Whatever the circumstance, unexpected unemployment is an unfortunate turn of events that most people don't handle very well. Having graduated four years ago, as well as having an early change in jobs, I knew the situation I was about to enter. However, poor planning and preparation meant that [...]

2018-06-29T10:54:40+01:00June 29th, 2018|

Making the best use of your summer

Summer holidays are synonymous with a great many things; beaches, lazy mornings, family trips, and epic parties. But for those entering their final year or planning to attend university, there is one association that you may wish to avoid. Brain drain. We all know the feeling of opening a textbook at the beginning of the [...]

2018-06-29T10:47:53+01:00June 29th, 2018|

The importance of summer jobs

Summer jobs have become a right of passage. They are one of the first steps to independence for most youth. They provide an opportunity to learn the value of money, build work experience, and meet referees. Governments invest heavily in promoting youth employment during the summer holiday as a way to stimulate the economy and reduce [...]

2018-06-29T10:43:54+01:00June 29th, 2018|

Learning a new language at any age

It’s said so often that it’s become a running joke. “I took two/three/four years of Spanish/German/French in school, but all I remember is (insert awkward and useless phrase here).” Learning a foreign language has become a standard for education all over the world. In a globalized, digitalized world, the need for people who speak multiple [...]

2018-06-29T10:41:07+01:00June 29th, 2018|

Notes for success

Inventors, scientists, writers, singers, and songwriters all agree; your brain is bad at remembering things. Great ideas often come to us when we least expect it. That is to say; they come when your mind is in what is commonly known as “diffuse mode,” It is that semi-conscious state that we often hit when we [...]

2018-06-29T10:38:17+01:00June 29th, 2018|

Habits of a successful employee

Every industry attracts a particular type of individual, and every job description calls for a specific set of skills. But some habits help to distinguish those who succeed from those who languish in their careers, regardless of the industry. What hiring managers and educators know is that habit becomes your character. What you do repetitiously [...]

2018-06-29T10:34:37+01:00June 29th, 2018|

Getting into the habit of reading

There is more treasure in books than all pirate's loot on Treasure Island. -Walt Disney- Continuing education is a must for everybody, regardless of your ambitions. The people who get the most out of life are not those who settle into cosy routines and accept expected outcomes. The people we look to and consider successful, [...]

2018-04-15T20:41:42+01:00April 15th, 2018|

Handling the negotiation process

Applications, aptitude tests, interviews – a typical pathway before you are fortunate enough to be offered your dream role. As you sort out paperwork, you get asked “what is your ideal salary?”, causing you to panic. It's common to feel intimidated by this question, whether it's your first graduate role or as an experienced professional. [...]

2018-04-15T20:37:46+01:00April 15th, 2018|

Goal setting at work

In the world of work, an evaluation provides the perfect opportunity to discuss what is working and what can be improved. One of the key elements of an appraisal is effective goal setting. Effective goal setting is important for personal and professional growth. I have found that giving my personal life a regular evaluation is [...]

2018-02-20T15:49:20+00:00February 20th, 2018|
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