Finding and holding on to talent is an increasingly important corporate objective. Because employee turnover can be a major drain on any company’s resources, picking the right people the first time and effective talent management will boost performance across all areas of an organisation. Devising a talent management plan that not only brings in the best people for the job but quickly and effectively acclimates them to the corporate culture becomes a must for competitiveness. Consequently, the most competitive companies invest real time, finance and energy into talent recruitment and retention.
How do you know you have the right people? How do you keep them invested in your vision? How do you support new hires who, in their formative months, may struggle with the corporate culture? Not having effective and adequate answers to these questions is likely to mean that your organisation is haemorrhaging financial resources in the one place you can least afford to neglect: your workforce.
The organisation’s people ultimately determine the effectiveness of strategy development, implementation, and subsequent competitive success. A strategic approach that aligns talent retention with the overall corporate strategy will ensure employee skills, competencies and motivations (Career Capital) will continually contribute to the achievement of its’ goals. Such an alignment has even greater significance because organisations in different industries, and even within the same industry, routinely pursue varied business strategies. Employee Career Capital profiles must therefore also be diverse. Aligning talent management and organisational strategies remain a must.
We support organisations in two specific ways:
- Audit existing Talent Management Strategies
- Develop and Implement an Individualised Talent Management Strategy
Some of the key considerations we address include:
- To what extent is human capital regarded as a strategic asset – one that leverages all other areas of an organisation.
- While talent management includes performance management, are the principal organisation and employee goals aligned.
- Most organisations view talent management as an administrative function, are the talent management and corporate strategies aligned.
- Is there an acceptance that talent management is long term?
Retaining top performers begin with hiring the right talent and placing them in the correct place. Top performers will be strong contributors and through effective management will want to stay with the organisation. An effective talent management strategy will, therefore, be a significant contributor to addressing the dual agenda of controlling costs and increasing productivity.
With more than twenty years of working with young people as educators, coaches and mentors, our professionals are experts in identifying the challenges of workforce transition and constructing real-world solutions. Our ability to bridge the gap between raw talent and work-ready young people make us the ideal fit to develop and deliver individualised Talent Management Strategies within organisations.