Psychometric Testing – London
November 16, 2016 @ 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
| £100Alexander Partners Presents Master Classes for Success. A series of small workshops designed to address the most common issues recent graduates and those new to the workforce face as they lay the foundation for their career. Classes are designed to be intimate, allowing the facilitator to work with each of the participants one on one and address detailed personal questions.
Psychometric testing is increasingly used by companies hoping to find the right person for their available roles. For the candidates, facing a long test with ambiguous answers can cause anxiety. Thirteen percent of job seekers have admitted to halting the application process all together when faced with long questionnaires or online tests. In this Master Class we will explore why employers use psychometric testing and how you can make it work for you.
In order to better serve you, we keep the Master Class small. Seats are limited and fill up fast.
What to bring
Bring with you your CV and a laptop.
How to book
Book your place via our bookeo website under “special events”: http://www.bookeo.com/centre